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PFLAG National Board and Regional Directors

PFLAG National is governed by the Board of Directors. The PFLAG Chapter Network is supported by the Regional Directors Council comprised of 13 volunteers, each of whom serves the chapters in the states that make up their region.

Liz De Jesus
Liz De Jesus She, Her, Hers

Regional Directors Council Chair; Vice Chair, PFLAG National Board of Directors

Board Members
Kelly Brooks-Hailey
Kelly Brooks-Hailey She, Her, Hers

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee Co-Chair

Kathy Halbrooks
Kathy Halbrooks She, Her, Hers

South Atlantic Region (KY, NC, SC, TN)

Blanca Leos
Blanca Leos She, Her, Hers

Mountain West Region (AZ, CO, NM, UT, WY)

Ann Miller
Ann Miller She, Her, Hers

Gulf Region (AL, FL, GA, MS, PR)

Chad Reumann
Chad Reumann He, Him, His

Policy Committee Chair

Southern Region (AR, LA, OK, TX)

Regional Directors
Liz De Jesus
Liz De Jesus She, Her, Hers

Regional Directors Council Chair; Vice Chair, PFLAG National Board of Directors

Kathy Halbrooks
Kathy Halbrooks She, Her, Hers

South Atlantic Region (KY, NC, SC, TN)

Jumel Howard
Jumel Howard He, Him, His

Mid-Atlantic Region (DC, DE, MD, VA, WV)

Blanca Leos
Blanca Leos She, Her, Hers

Mountain West Region (AZ, CO, NM, UT, WY)

Ann Miller
Ann Miller She, Her, Hers

Gulf Region (AL, FL, GA, MS, PR)

Stacia Kato
Stacia Kato She, Her, Hers

Southern Pacific Region (Southern CA, HI)

Amy Orwig
Amy Orwig She, Her, Hers

Great Lakes Region (IL, IN, MI, OH)

Chad Reumann
Chad Reumann He, Him, His

Policy Committee Chair

Southern Region (AR, LA, OK, TX)

Kevin Toovey
Kevin Toovey He, Him, His

Pacific Northwest Region (AK, ID, MT, OR, WA)

Emily Zelaya
Emily Zelaya She, Her, Hers

Mid-Pacific Region (Northern CA, NV)

Special thanks to the volunteer Regional Directors for their dedication, support, expertise, and time commitment to PFLAG and the PFLAG Chapter Network.

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