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Start a Chapter

PFLAG is an extraordinary grassroots organization with a growing network of members in the United States and abroad. The foundation of this network is our chapters. Our network is currently 400 strong and continues to grow every year. Chapters benefit from the credibility and stature built by 50 years of work from PFLAG members. When you start a chapter, you’ll join an extended family of people working together to make all of our communities fair and safe places.

Chapter Benefits

  • Access to PFLAG’s volunteer and staff resources including trainings, conferences, and written materials
  • Discount registration costs for the PFLAG National Convention and other events
  • Organizing tools including project and issue-specific talking points, toolkits, and resources
  • Use of the PFLAG brand materials
  • Nonprofit status and the ability to accept tax-deductible donations

Chapters are made up of three or more individuals working together to further PFLAG’s goals. In order to start a chapter, you’ll need to complete chapter affiliation training and paperwork. Contact us through the form below to learn how to get started or reach out to Angel Kearns at [email protected]. Make sure to include your city and state in your message.