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When LGBTQ+ Past and Present Collide! How LGBTQ+ History Can Inform PFLAG Advocacy Work Recording & Training Toolkit

Understanding key facts about LGBTQ+ history and how it shapes the world we’re in today are an essential part of creating change in our communities. PFLAG leaders. members, and supporters can use the strategies, tools, and lessons from the past to inform their advocacy work today. In these tumultuous times, heading into an election… how will you make history?

Thanks for participating in PFLAG Academy Online! One of our key goals is to help you take the information that you learned in this session and use it to make your chapter stronger and more effective. To do that, we’ve created this page to provide you with tools, resources, and references to materials mentioned in the workshop. As always, the PFLAG National staff is here to help. If you have any questions, comments, or just need some good advice, please don’t hesitate to contact us.



Books and Essays: