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How to Remember PFLAG in Your Will

Please consider one or more of the following options when making a bequest to PFLAG:

A SPECIFIC BEQUEST for a stated dollar amount or security:

“I give and bequeath to PFLAG located at 1625 K Street NW, Suite 700, Washington, D.C. 20006 the sum of $____________ (or describe the specific securities or property) to be used for its general purposes.”

A PERCENTAGE BEQUEST allocating a fixed proportion of your estate:

“I give and bequeath to PFLAG located at 1625 K Street NW, Suite 700, Washington, D.C. 20006 _____% of my estate, both real and personal property of whatever kind and wheresoever situated.”

A RESIDUARY BEQUEST granting a residue, or portion of the residue of your estate, to PFLAG after other bequests have been made:

“I give and bequeath to PFLAG located at 1625 K Street NW, Suite 700, Washington, D.C. 20006 all (or _____%) of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, to be used for its general purposes.”

A CONTINGENT BEQUEST in case one or more of your bequests cannot be fulfilled:

“If any of the above-named beneficiaries should pre-decease me, I hereby bequeath his or her share to PFLAG located at 1625 K Street NW, Suite 700, Washington, D.C. 20006 to be used for its general purposes.”

You can designate PFLAG as a beneficiary or secondary beneficiary of cash, property, securities or other assets in your will or trust. When you designate PFLAG as a beneficiary, please use our full name and include our address and Tax ID as follows:

1625 K Street NW, Suite 700
Washington, D.C. 20006

PFLAG Tax ID: 95-3750694