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photo of Angel Kearns

Angel Kearns

Chapter & Communities Engagement

Chapter Services Senior Coordinator

She, Her, Hers

(202) 657-5997

Angel Kearns joined PFLAG National in July 2022. As the Chapter Services Senior Coordinator her work centers around supporting chapters and volunteer leaders with the chapter affiliation process and ensuring compliance with yearly reporting requirements across different states and with the IRS.

Before joining PFLAG National, Angel worked as a Health Educator with the Virginia League for Planned Parenthood, facilitating comprehensive sex education programs for youth and young adults in public high schools, correctional facilities, and universities.

Angel is a graduate of Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, where she pursued a major in Sociology and a minor in Women’s Studies with a focus on violence prevention and advocacy. She currently resides in Northern Colorado with her partner and cats. In her free time, she enjoys exploring Colorado’s state parks, crocheting, and binge-listening to true crime podcasts!