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photo of Drew Harbaugh

Drew Harbaugh


Drew Harbaugh is an out and proud transgender man. He initially came to PFLAG in 2021 with the intention of providing support and education for families of trans and nonbinary youth, knowing how important it is for trans folk and their families to see thriving trans adults. He quickly joined the board of his local chapter, and then was elected chapter president, working to expand PFLAG beyond the walls of the monthly meetings and out into the community in novel and creative ways.

As an ICU nurse, improved healthcare access for LGBTQIA+ people is an important focus of Drew’s service. Through his work with PFLAG, he has created and participated in multiple projects that foster the development of affirmative medical and mental health providers in town.

Prior to joining PFLAG, Drew served for six years as the medical director at Camp Outright, one of the nation’s first overnight camps for LGBTQIA+ youth. In 2023, Drew presented with three colleagues at the USPATH Scientific Symposium about collaboration across the disciplines of medicine, mental health, and community advocacy in order to improve gender affirmative care.

When he is not working as a nurse or volunteering with PFLAG, you can find Drew enjoying life either in his woodshop, behind a camera, traveling with his amazing wife of 17 years, visiting his two adult children, caring for his seven cats (plus the neighborhood ferals), watercolor painting, or pruning his roses in the garden.