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A photo of Stacia Kato, an Asian American woman with shoulder-length grey and brown hair in a grey sweater.

Stacia Kato

She, Her, Hers

Stacia Kato came to PFLAG in 2018, when her child came out as a transgender female. Thankfully she knew about a local PFLAG chapter that specifically served Asian Americans. The compassion she felt from parents who walked the coming-out journey ahead of her warmed her heart. She found a chosen family full of love and acceptance like she never imagined possible.

Stacia, in addition to serving as an RD, also serves as President of PFLAG San Gabriel Valley Asian Pacific Islander (API), the only PFLAG chapter dedicated to the AAPI community. The chapter helps to seed and support API sessions in other chapters, and regularly facilitates the PFLAG Connects: AAPI Community support meetings. Like the members of the chapter who welcomed her, she seeks to become a guiding hand of love and support to new families and LGBTQ+ loved ones on a coming-out journey.