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Laura McGinnis, Senior Manager, Press & Public Relations

[email protected]

(202) 864-2247

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Supreme Court of Texas Hears Oral Argument about the Ban of Medical Care for Transgender Youth

January 30, 2024

Supreme Court of Texas Hears Oral Argument about the Ban of Medical Care for Transgender Youth

“Every parent in Texas deserves for their child to have access to health care when they need it, but S.B. 14 takes away that assurance of health and safety for children who are transgender. Our hope is that today, the Court heard this injustice and will take steps to rectify it, so every child in Texas, transgender or not, has the freedom to thrive.” — Brian K. Bond (he/him), CEO of PFLAG National

The shape of Texas with a transgender pride flag heart in the center.
In Memoriam: Nancy McDonald, President Emerita of PFLAG National (1996-1998)

October 26, 2023

In Memoriam: Nancy McDonald, President Emerita of PFLAG National (1996-1998)

As the first organization to name lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people together in its mission, PFLAG, under Nancy's leadership, ensured that every LGBTQ+ person and loved one would find inclusive support, education and advocacy.

Nancy McDonald has short strawberry-blonde hair, pale skin and a warm smile. She wears glasses, small gold hoop earrings, a gold beaded necklace and a gold circle lapel pin on her left lapel of her navy blue suit coat. Her blouse is fuchsia.
Have a Gay Day Founder Michael Knote Honored with Morty Manford Volunteerism Award

October 25, 2023

Have a Gay Day Founder Michael Knote Honored with Morty Manford Volunteerism Award

“For more than a decade, Michael Knote has been the consummate model of an LGBTQ+ community leader as the founder of Have a Gay Day. He has put his heart and full volunteer might into uplifting the LGBTQ+ community," said Brian K. Bond, Chief Executive Officer of PFLAG National.

The logo of the 2023 PFLAG National Convention is in a blue circle with hearts that form the "o" in the title, "Learning with Love" and the "zero" in 2023.
First Lady Jill Biden to Open PFLAG National Convention

October 16, 2023

First Lady Jill Biden to Open PFLAG National Convention

“First Lady Dr. Biden is an advocate, a parent, a grandparent and an LGBTQ+ ally who leads with love, and we are PFLAG-proud to welcome her to 'Learning with Love: The 2023 PFLAG National Convention,'” said Brian K. Bond, Chief Executive Officer of PFLAG National.

The logo of the 2023 PFLAG National Convention is in a blue circle with hearts that form the "o" in the title, "Learning with Love" and the "zero" in 2023.