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PFLAG National on the June Medical Supreme Court Decision

June 29, 2020

WASHINGTON, DC—Today, the Supreme Court of the United States released its rulings on June Medical Services v. Russo (consolidated with Russo v. June Medical Services), striking down a Louisiana law requiring doctors who perform abortions to have the right to admit patients at nearby hospitals.

Brian K. Bond, Executive Director of PFLAG National, released the following statement: 

“Today, we are heartened that the Supreme Court ruled in favor of fairness and on the side of all people—inclusive of our LGBTQ+ loved ones—who need access to safe and affordable health care services.”

“For millions of Americans, including those who are LGBTQ+ and people with limited incomes, their local health clinic is their primary source for safe and affordable healthcare. These clinics contribute to the overall health and well-being of their local communities and are deeply rooted in the communities they serve. Adding barriers that significantly add cost and limit access to needed healthcare services harms all of us.”



PFLAG is the first and largest organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) people, their parents and families, and allies. With over 400 chapters and 200,000 members and supporters crossing multiple generations of families in major urban centers, small cities, and rural areas across America, PFLAG is committed to creating a world where diversity is celebrated and all people are respected, valued, and affirmed. To learn more, visit pflag.org, like us on Facebook (/pflag), or follow us on Twitter (@pflag) or Instagram


PFLAG is an organization of LGBTQ+ people, parents, families, and allies who work together to create an equitable and inclusive world. We are hundreds of thousands of people and hundreds of chapters from coast to coast who are leading with love to support families, educate allies, and advocate for just, equitable, and inclusive legislation and policies. Since our founding in 1973, PFLAG works every day to ensure LGBTQ+ people everywhere are safe, celebrated, empowered and loved. Learn more, find support, donate, and take action at PFLAG.org.

Media Contact

Laura McGinnis (she/her),
Sr. Manager, Press and Public Relations

[email protected]  |  (202) 864-2247