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Faith Resources for Interfaith/Non-Denominational Communities


Interfaith and nondenominational work is vital in achieving an equitable, inclusive world where every LGBTQ+ person is safe, celebrated and loved. 

The Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies in Religion and Ministry: The Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies in Religion and Ministry (CLGS) provides programming and research support to serve faith communities, the LGBTQ+ community and their allies, and religious scholars alike. Their Racial/Ethnic Roundtable Project is dedicated to working within African American, Asian and Pacific Islander, and Latino communities.

Interfaith LGBTQ Toolkit: The Michigan Unitarian Universalist Social Justice Network’s Interfaith LGBTQ toolkit has one of the most extensive lists of resources for straight allies of faith, including information about creating welcoming and affirming congregations, lists of movies and books, denomination specific resources, and locally and nationally based advocacy organizations.

The Institute for Welcoming Resources: A project of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, this institute helps strengthen the welcoming church movement through resources, events and conferences. The organization also provides trainings for faith-based groups that foster inclusion. They developed The Shower of Stoles collection to represent the lives of LGBTQ+ faith leaders from 32 faith traditions in six countries.

The Interfaith Alliance: Interfaith Alliance is the only national interfaith organization dedicated to protecting the integrity of both religion and democracy in America. Their membership is made up of individuals rather than institutions, in all 50 states and serving overseas in the U.S. military, and adhering to more than 75 faith traditions and belief systems.