PFLAG National—along with transgender young adults, families with transgender youth, and GLMA—is serving as the plaintiff in a federal legal challenge against an executive order from the Trump administration attempting to shut down nationwide access to necessary medical care for transgender people under 19.
We’re fighting President Trump and his backers’ vicious attacks on transgender people and families because that’s our job: to clear the obstacles that get in the way of creating a caring, just, and affirming world for LGBTQ+ people and those who love them.
Whether you or a loved one is transgender, or you are just a decent person who believes that discrimination and coercion are wrong in every setting, you can help PFLAG win against these vicious attacks.
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Jeanne Manford was my beloved mom, but she is also known as the Mother of the ally movement for LGBTQ+ equality -- and a mother’s love, and determination, can change the world. ”
Suzanne Manford Swan
I’m PFLAG founder Jeanne Manford’s daughter, Suzanne Swan. I’m also a mother, and I’m a grandmother to an LGBTQ+ grandchild. And I want to thank you.
As a supporter of PFLAG National, you are part of a nearly 50-year legacy that has touched hundreds of thousands of lives. You help parents on their journey toward affirmation. You help LGBTQ+ children feel loved. You help LGBTQ+ employees feel safer. Thank you for making a difference.
I know my mom Jeanne, my dad Jules, and my brother Morty would be so proud of where PFLAG is today — they would also be astounded. From that first step of protest by my mother, to a small meeting of 20 people in a NYC church basement, to over 250,000 members and supporters, PFLAG has truly moved mountains. From marriage equality to workplace protections, there’s much we have accomplished — but as long as LGBTQ+ people remain at risk for discrimination in housing, public accommodations, federal services, education, and more, we still have work to do.
Giving Tuesday has always been about supporting the causes that matter most to you, but this year, it’s about so much more. It’s about ensuring that PFLAG National is there for every parent seeking to affirm their LGBTQ+ child, every LGBTQ+ person needing support, and every ally looking for more ways to educate themselves on issues that affect the LGBTQ+ community. It’s about critical advocacy in a challenging time — a time that reminds me so much of when my mother and brother took to the streets in 1972, calling not only for justice for LGBTQ+ people, but raising the rallying cry for other parents and families to join in that fight.
Jeanne Manford was my beloved mom, but she is also known as the Mother of the ally movement for LGBTQ+ equality — and a mother’s love, and determination, can change the world.
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Since joining in 2011, PFLAG has meant so much to me that I can’t imagine how my life would have gone without it.”
It’s been over six years since I attended my first PFLAG meeting, and the support I continue to get from the community is something I hold close to my heart.”