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PFLAG Votes: Mobilization

Help ensure you and others in your community who want to vote have the opportunity and a plan to cast a ballot in elections.

Making a voting plan–and encouraging others to do the same–increases the odds that more people will go to the polls and cast their ballots. In fact, research shows that having a plan to vote increases voter turnout by 4.1%.

Voter Mobilization Resources
  • And still I vote… And Still I Vote is a national call to action for people to take back the power of the vote.
  • HeadCountHeadCount works with hundreds of artists to register voters and raise social consciousness.
  • Rock the VoteRock the Vote is a nonpartisan nonprofit dedicated to building the political power of young people
  • When We All Vote’s Voting Squad ProgramA youth-led effort to get out the vote.
  • Vote ForwardMobilizing traditionally underrepresented registered voters in a variety of states across the country.
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Ensure that you are registered to vote and encourage your family, friends, community, and PFLAG chapter members to do the same!

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Learn more about election advocacy, important dates and deadlines, and about what is truly at stake for your LGBTQ+ loved ones.

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Protect against difficulties while trying to cast a ballot, stand up against voter suppression, and stay safe in the midst of historic anti-LGBTQ+ legislation.