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PFLAG National Faith Resources

PFLAG families include hundreds of thousands of people who are people of faith. Two of PFLAG’s most sought-after publications include: Faith in Our Families for families of faith who take a journey when a loved ones comes out; and be not afraid, help is on the way: straight for equality in faith communities, a publication for people of faith who want to be better allies.

As you review these resources, and the selections below, if you have one that has been helpful to you and is accessible across the U.S. to others, please contact us at [email protected] to share that information with us. We are always happy to learn of new and helpful resources to help anyone who reaches out to PFLAG as they work through reconciling long-held faith beliefs with long-held love and support for an LGBTQ+ person or the community at large.

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Faith Resources for Christians

While the actions of some churches have given Christians a bad name when it comes to LGBTQ+ rights, others have worked for decades fighting the good fight toward inclusion for all. Doctrinal and sectarian splits make it difficult to keep score, but the organizations here have, by and large, been in it for the long haul. Here is a list of resources for a variety of Christian denominations.

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Faith Resources for Jews

Jews have contributed mightily to the fight for LGBTQ equality. In recent years, many Jewish congregations have supported same-sex marriage (and welcomed ceremonies into their temples), and in 2015, the Union for Reform Judaism officially adopted a transgender rights policy. Reform Judaism in particular has a long history of being welcoming to people who are LGBTQ. The organizations here concentrate on institutional and theological change to fully integrate Judaism and the full spectrum of sexual and gender expression.

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Faith Resources for Muslims

Muslim communities have been subjected to Islamophobia, racism, and violence. In a number of ways, the contemporary Muslim experience mirrors the LGBTQ+ experience, and makes support for those whose identities intersect with both communities all the more important. Here is a list of resources for those of Muslim faith and are--or love someone who is--LGBTQ+.

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Faith Resources for Interfaith/Non-Denominational Communities

The work done between and among faiths is an important part of the movement toward full equality, since it brings together communities of faith with the LGBTQ community and their allies. Here are some organizations doing vital interfaith and nondenominational work.

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Faith Resources for Other Faith Communities

Given the diversity of the LGBT community, it should come as no surprise that the varieties of religious experience (if we may borrow a phrase from William James) is also varied among them. Here are some organizations from other faith traditions that offer assistance to LGBTQ people and their allies.