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photo of Brian K. Bond

Brian K. Bond

Executive Office

Chief Executive Officer


(202) 467-8180

Brian K. Bond, a native of rural Missouri, joined PFLAG National in 2019. Under his leadership, the organization has experienced unprecedented growth at a time when LGBTQ+ people and those who love them are under assault in every corner of the country. This includes suing multiple states, including Texas Governor Greg Abbott for his abuse investigations into parents of transgender children, the first time in PFLAG’s 50-year history the organization has served as a plaintiff in such a case.

With an extensive background in constituency outreach and coalition bridge-building, Brian has also strengthened PFLAG National’s deep commitment to ensuring PFLAG is a place where every family belongs. This includes the creation of PFLAG Connects: Communities, a safe, virtual monthly meeting space for families from typically underrepresented and marginalized communities.  He also gained the commitment of the PFLAG National Board of Directors to invest in minority-owned depository institutions, a commitment to DEI that internationally recognized nonprofit leadership expert Joan Garry called, “…one of the most creative diversity and inclusion initiatives ever.”

Prior to joining PFLAG National, Brian served in the Obama Administration as Deputy Director for the White House Office of Public Engagement and primary liaison for the LGBTQ community, the first to serve in that role. He also served in the Environmental Protection Agency as Associate Administrator for Public Engagement and Environmental Education. Prior to these roles, he served as the Executive Director of the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund; the Coalitions Director for the Climate Action Campaign in Washington D.C., and as Deputy CEO for the 2016 Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

In 2024, President Biden appointed Brian to the  non-partisan President’s Commission on White House Fellows.