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Strategic Communications & External Relations
Senior Digital Strategist
They, Them, Theirs
(202) 467-8183
Jackson Alder is the Senior Digital Strategist at PFLAG National. Their primary responsibilities are leading our digital communications strategy, managing our social media channels, and overseeing our online communities.
Based in Fort Collins, Colorado, Jackson has over two decades of experience in communications, marketing, social media, and graphic design. Prior to PFLAG National, they worked as the Director of Communications for a local United Way chapter in Colorado. They’re excited to bring their knowledge and skills to PFLAG National and serve the LGBTQ+ community and their families.
Originally from Jacksonville, Florida, Jackson attended Savannah College of Art and Design and the University of North Florida, and has a bachelor in fine arts degree in photography. In their downtime, they enjoy fostering kittens, reading, and leisurely day hiking with their partner.