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photo of Laura Galeano

Laura Galeano

Development & Philanthropic Partnerships

Foundation Grants Manager

She, Ella

(202) 684-7037

Laura joins the Development team as Foundation Grants Manager after a 2.5 year stint as the PFLAG Connects Manager, helping to bring the PFLAG Chapter Network online to extend support, education, and advocacy efforts into the digital space. Now, she supports the organization through building relationships with Foundations and expanding the important work of PFLAG to create a safer world for LGBTQ+ people and their loved ones. Before coming to PFLAG National, Laura led rapid-response advocacy and case work at Amnesty International USA where she supported hundreds of groups and members in their human rights work. Laura is a proud graduate of John Jay College of Criminal Justice where she obtained both Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees in International Criminal Justice. She continues to support John Jay by teaching online classes in gender studies.

In her downtime, Laura enjoys a warm cup of coffee and stretching out on her yoga mat.