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Chapter & Communities Engagement
Chapter Engagement Coordinator
They, Them, Theirs
(202) 683-4032
Ruadhan Ward joined the PFLAG National team in March of 2023. As a Chapter Engagement Coordinator, they support chapters’ success by providing resources and developing programming.
Before joining PFLAG National, Ruadhan worked as an Event Coordinator with the Wisconsin Humane Society. They worked hand in hand with community members to raise funds for animals and the people who love them, along with programming that supported access to resources for pet owners of all backgrounds.
Ruadhan graduated from Bard College in New York’s Hudson Valley, with a major in Ethnomusicology and a minor in Religion. They now live in Wisconsin with their partner and four cats. In their free time, Ruadhan enjoys cooking, board games, and listening to endless hours of podcasts.