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William Placek

William Placek

He, Him, His

William is a dedicated leader in the nonprofit sector, with a passion for elevating the voices of marginalized individuals, and a fierce advocate for the LGBTQ+ community. William volunteered with several community groups throughout his career and has been with PFLAG since 2014.

William joined his local chapter after a chance meeting with a PFLAG leader in a local restaurant. He began volunteering with PFLAG Jersey Shore as a support group facilitator and overseeing fundraising & community outreach for the chapter. In 2017, William was chosen as Interim President of the chapter after the previous President retired and voted into the permanent role as President in 2018. William worked diligently to meet the needs of the communities his chapter served, finding unique ways to increase and enhance the types of programming offered. William helped launch social support groups for youth and teens by building collaborative relationships with other nonprofit organizations, formed a robust training program to enrich the speakers bureau, and aligned operational standards to ensure continued success for the chapter.

William became the PFLAG National North Atlantic Regional Director in November 2020, supporting PFLAG chapters in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. He has used his time serving chapters from different types of communities to provide an opportunity for cross-training and enhancing skill acquisition for new leaders. William finds engagement with chapter leaders throughout this region has supported his personal development and creativity in leadership.

William lives along the shore in New Jersey with his two sons and two dogs. William earned his Bachelor’s and Master of Social Work degrees from Walden University. When William is not working his full-time job or volunteering with PFLAG, he loves to spend time with his family at home or travel to share new experiences with his children.