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PFLAG National Statement on SCOTUS Nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch

January 31, 2017

WASHINGTON, DC—PFLAG National—the nation’s largest organization uniting families, allies, and people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ)—has issued the following statement from Interim Executive Director Elizabeth Kohm on the nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch to serve on the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS).

“Numerous times in the last 11 days we have shared our concern that civil rights–for the LGBTQ community, for women, for immigrants, for people of color, for all marginalized communities–would erode under this administration. Now, with his nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch for a lifetime appointment to the United States Supreme Court, it is clear our concerns were more than justified.

We reiterate: No good has ever come from using religion as a tool to perpetrate divisiveness and harm. Many PFLAGers are people of faith and cannot support a nominee who seems to pass the new test imposed by the Trump Administration: Will you use the law to provide people a license to discriminate?

PFLAGers across the country are putting our U.S. Senators on notice that we will hold them accountable throughout the vetting hearing, and voting process of this nominee. We call on them to scrutinize his record on all issues to ensure that he can serve as a true check on both the executive and legislative branches of our government and ask questions that will shine a light on his ability to treat all people fairly and justly.”

For more information on PFLAG’s advocacy work, visit pflag.org/advocacy-101.

PFLAG is the nation’s largest organization uniting families, allies, and people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer. PFLAG is committed to advancing equality through its mission of support, education, and advocacy, and has more than 400 chapters and 200,000 supporters crossing multiple generations of American families in major urban centers, small cities, and rural areas in all 50 states and Puerto Rico. To learn more, visit pflag.org.



PFLAG is an organization of LGBTQ+ people, parents, families, and allies who work together to create an equitable and inclusive world. We are hundreds of thousands of people and hundreds of chapters from coast to coast who are leading with love to support families, educate allies, and advocate for just, equitable, and inclusive legislation and policies. Since our founding in 1973, PFLAG works every day to ensure LGBTQ+ people everywhere are safe, celebrated, empowered and loved. Learn more, find support, donate, and take action at PFLAG.org.

For media support, contact us at [email protected]  | 202-600-5914