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Conversion Therapy and LGBTQ Youth Recording & Training Toolkit

PFLAG National is proud to partner with The Mattachine Society of Washington, DC and Lisa Linksy, Partner at McDermott, Will, & Emery, and The Trevor Project, on this series about conversion therapy and LGBTQ+ youth for PFLAG leaders and members.

The History, presented by The Mattachine Society of Washington, DC

Thanks for watching part one of PFLAG National’s two part series on conversion therapy, presented by our friends and partners at The Mattachine Society of Washington, DC. One of our key goals is to help you take the information that you learned in this session and use it to make your chapter stronger and more effective. To do that, we’ve created this page to provide you with tools, resources, and references to materials mentioned in the workshop.

As always, the PFLAG National staff is here to help. If you have any questions, comments, or just need some good advice, please don’t hesitate to contact us. You can also contact Lisa A. Linksy, Esq. at [email protected] and the Mattachine Society at [email protected].

Download the presentation:

Conversion Therapy and LGBTQ Youth: What Parents, Students, Educators and Mental Health Providers Need to Know

Presented by Lisa A. Linsky, Partner at McDermott Will & Emery LLP


The Pernicious Myth of Conversion Therapy: How Love In Action Perpetrated a Fraud on America, prepared by McDermott Will & Emery LLP on behalf of the Mattachine Society of Washington DC

Conversion Therapy and LGBTQ Youth, authored by Christy Mallory, Taylor N.T. Brown, and Kerith J Conron on behalf of the UCLA School of Law Williams Institute


Center Link: The Community of LGBT Centers

Family Acceptance Project

Human Rights Campaign

Lambda Legal Defense & Education Fund

Lesbian Pioneer: Making History and Capturing It

The Mattachine Society of Washington, DC

National Center for Lesbian Rights: Born Perfect

Stop Conversion Therapy

The Trevor Project

Truth Wins Out

News Stories:

A Survivor Of Gay Conversion Therapy Shares His Chilling Story, The Huffington Post

Victim of Baptist gay conversion therapy describes how he was tortured at 12, The Daily Mail

Watch part two of this series now, presented by our friends and partners at The Trevor Project