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Executive Order Explainers and Resources

There is no escaping the realities of what has been taking place in the federal government since January 20, 2025, especially regarding Executive Orders (EOs).

They have been far-reaching yet not unexpected, ranging from redefining the identities and experiences of our trans, nonbinary, and intersex loved ones to redefining birthright citizenship, from ending DEI initiatives to ending the United States’ participation in the World Health Organization. And while the EOs are still coming fast, furious, and are undeniably angering and frightening, it’s important to remember that few EOs can change policy immediately, nor can they immediately change regulations nor the law as established through statutes and the courts; litigation is sure to follow and, in some cases, is already being prepared. Remember: Your validity is not dictated by an Executive Order.

Here are the EOs to date, sorted by topic—anti-LGBTQ+, anti-DEI and accessibility, anti-immigration, and anti-reproductive health—with helpful explainers from our many legal and policy partners plus resources to support your advocacy and messaging efforts around them. We also have helpful legal resources from our trusted partners.

At the bottom of this page we have linked to the Executive Orders, as named and written, directly from the White House. Please set your boundaries and know that our explainers share what you need to know without encountering harmful language.

This page will be updated frequently with more news and resources; please consider bookmarking and sharing it.

As noted, we will refresh this site as more EOs are signed and resources are created.

If you’re not signed up to receive our newsletters and emails—including our weekly Friday Policy Matters update—please visit pflag.org/newsletter-sign-up to receive up-to-date information on EOs and more.