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PFLAG Votes 2024: Know Your Rights as a PFLAG Voter

Be sure to tune in to this session live on September 26, 2024.

PFLAG Resources

PFLAG Votes: Love Votes 2024

Voter Registration: vote411.org/pflag

Voter Education: Resources by State

Pledge to be a PFLAG Voter: Take the Pledge

Volunteer to be a Poll Worker: powerthepolls.org/pflag

Social Media Toolkit: My Love Votes For…

501 (c) 3 Rules & Guidance: FAQ

Research & Data

Brennan Center for Justice: States Have Added Nearly 100 Restrictive Laws Since SCOTUS Gutted the Voting Rights Act 10 Years Ago | Voter Purges

Pew Research Center: Voter turnout, 2018-2022

Pathfinder Opinion Research: Nationwide Survey of LGBTQ Adults

GLAAD: 2024 Voter Poll

National Conference of State Legislature: Voter ID Laws

Sentencing Project: Locked Out 2022: Estimates of People Denied Voting Rights

Rutgers: Disability and Voting Accessibility in the 2022 Elections