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Straight for Equality: Guide to Being An Ally to Trans and Nonbinary People

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Newly updated! This publication, from our Straight for Equality program, will help you learn more about what transgender and nonbinary mean, develop competency around talking about the issues that currently dominate the headlines, become better informed about the challenges that many trans and nonbinary people face, and know specific ways that you can be a strong ally to trans and nonbinary people.

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Executive Orders: Explainers and Resources

Executive Orders:

The Executive Orders (EOs) signed since January 20, 2025 have been far-reaching yet not unexpected; fast, furious, and undeniably angering and frightening. The message is clear that there will be continued aggressive attempts to deny inclusion, fairness, and justice to people across race, income, ability, gender, age, and sexual orientation.

This page will be updated frequently as we gather information from our many trusted coalition partners.

Executive Orders: Explainers and Resources

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