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When a Loved One Comes Out

When a child or a loved one comes out–that is, they’ve shared with you that they are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer (LGBTQ+)–it might be a surprise, it might be something you’ve had an inkling about, and in both cases, you might not be prepared for the next steps.

People have different and sometimes complex responses and feelings to a loved one coming out. This is normal, given that you are receiving news that the path you and your loved one are now on is potentially different and unknown from one you expected or for which you had prepared.

Whatever your reaction, PFLAG is here for you.

We've Got This. We've Got Us.

We've Got This. We've Got Us.

Please make a tax-deductible donation to PFLAG National before December 31st and help ensure every LGBTQ+ person is safe, celebrated, empowered, and loved.


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