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Coming Out Later in Life

We’re proud to partner with our friends at SAGE to support older adults in their coming-out process. Check out their fantastic resources at lgbtagingcenter.org 

Here are our quick tips to be a good ally to someone when they come out to you — at any age!

  • Your initial response can have a profound and lasting effect on someone; think before you speak.
  • Say thank you. What just happened was big, and acknowledging that reaffirms that your loved one chose the right person to tell.
  • Watch your body language; it can say as much as your words do. Be an active and engaged listener.
  • Ask appropriate questions, such as “Is there any way I can support you?”
  • Respect their wishes. This isn’t time for you to suggest their next steps.

Here are some resources to keep your learning going!

Executive Orders: Explainers and Resources

Executive Orders:

The Executive Orders (EOs) signed since January 20, 2025 have been far-reaching yet not unexpected; fast, furious, and undeniably angering and frightening. The message is clear that there will be continued aggressive attempts to deny inclusion, fairness, and justice to people across race, income, ability, gender, age, and sexual orientation.

This page will be updated frequently as we gather information from our many trusted coalition partners.

Executive Orders: Explainers and Resources

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