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Fe en nuestras familias

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Newly updated and translated!  Discovering that a loved one is LGBTQ+ can pose new questions about your faith and may prompt you to re-evaluate beliefs that you previously took for granted. By using personal experiences from families of faith as well as faith leaders from a broad variety of traditions, this publication, updated in 2021, provides examples for reconciling your faith with the knowledge that a loved one is LGBTQ+, and broad resources to help you on the path.

¡Recientemente actualizado y traducido! Descubrir que un ser querido es LGBTQ + puede plantear nuevas preguntas sobre su fe y puede impulsarlo a reevaluar creencias que antes daba por hecho. Usando las experiencias personales de familias de fe, así como de líderes religiosos de una amplia variedad de tradiciones, esta publicación, actualizada en 2021, provee ejemplos para reconciliar su fe con el conocimiento que un ser querido es LGBTQ + y recursos para ayudar a ese ser querido en su camino.

Pieces of Me film poster, with photos of Joslyn DeFreece from current and growing up.

New Short Film "Pieces of Me"

Our newest film "Pieces of Me" is out now in honor of Transgender Day of Visibility!
Written, directed, and produced by Nick Oceano-Armendariz—the film centers on the life of New York-based artist and transgender activist Joslyn DeFreece.

Watch the film

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