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Our Team

Executive Office
Fiona Lanigan
photo of Fiona Lanigan
Fiona Lanigan She, Her, Hers

Board Relations and Executive Office Manager

Chapter & Communities Engagement
Jamie Curtis
photo of Jamie Curtis
Jamie Curtis She, Her, Hers

Vice President, Chapter & Communities Engagement

Shaun Connors
photo of Shaun Connors
Shaun Connors He, They

Chapter Engagement Manager

Eastern Region (CT, DC, DE, MA, MD, ME, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VA, VT, WV)

Eddy Funkhouser
Eddy Funkhouser They, He

Chapter Engagement Coordinator

Western Region (AK, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, MT, NM, NV, OR, UT, WA, WY)

Ruadhan Ward
photo of Ruadhan Ward
Ruadhan Ward They, Them, Theirs

Chapter Engagement Coordinator

Midwestern Region (IL, IN, IA, KS, MI, MO, MN, NE, ND, OH, SD, WI)

Abby Shuler
photo of Abby Shuler
Abby Shuler She, Her, Hers

Chapter Engagement Manager

Southern Region (AL, AR, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, OK, PR, SC, TN, TX)

Angel Kearns
photo of Angel Kearns
Angel Kearns She, Her, Hers

Chapter Services Senior Coordinator

Angelina Leon
photo of Angelina Leon
Angelina Leon She, Ella

Senior Partnerships and Communities Manager

Katie Blair
photo of Katie Blair
Katie Blair she, her, hers

Vice President, Advocacy

Patrick Cochran
photo of Patrick Cochran
Patrick Cochran He, Him, His

Advocacy and Policy Engagement Manager

Policy & Government Affairs
Learning & Inclusion
Jamie Henkel
photo of Jamie Henkel
Jamie Henkel She, Her, Hers

Vice President, Learning & Inclusion

Alex Hart
photo of Alex Hart
Alex Hart He, Him, His

Learning & Inclusion Associate

Development & Philanthropic Partnerships
Maggie Ardiente
Photo of Maggie Ardiente
Maggie Ardiente She, Her, Hers

Vice President, Development & Philanthropic Partnerships

Strategic Communications & External Relations
Liz Owen
photo of Liz Owen
Liz Owen She, Her, Hers

Vice President, Strategic Communications & External Relations

Laura McGinnis
photo of Laura McGinnis
Laura McGinnis She, Her, Hers

Senior Manager, Press & Public Relations

Administration & Finance
Catherine Mbacho
photo of Catherine Mbacho
Catherine Mbacho She, Her, Hers

Vice President, Administration & Finance

Brooke Smith
photo of Brooke Smith
Brooke Smith She, Her, Hers

Chief Information Senior Manager